christiansparaciomOct 25, 2021Musical RepertoireSee musical repertoire here. Can provide lyrics by request. All artwork is designed by myself or based on my vision provided to...
christiansparaciomOct 25, 2021Christian Sparacio Shares Debut EP “Sunsets and Revelry” (Oct. 29) PRESS RELEASEView Press Release here
christiansparaciomOct 25, 2021Soul F*ckSoulfuck /sōl ,fək/ noun To feel completely infinite, while with a close friend or complete stranger. For once in your life, to be...
christiansparaciomOct 25, 2021Find Your Home in Love (from Passion Project 9.15.20)The wind bellows like an old dog through autumn leaves as I make my way along the gravel road from football practice to my high school...